Here I thought I was doing so well on keeping everything up-to-date, and then I saw that my last blog post was in September! Sheesh! Well, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year everyone! I hope the holidays were as wonderful for everyone as they were for us. We got to take a trip to Texas to see my family for Christmas, and it was great to be back home. Now my fingers are crossed that when DH gets the academy over and done with, we will be stationed somewhere in Texas :)
Anyhoo... A friend of mine asked me yesterday what my resolutions were for this year. I have to be honest, I rarely make a list and as a rule I never keep any of the resolutions. But I figured this year, I'd give it a shot and see how it goes. So, I'm brainstorming this evening what my resolutions will be. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to post an official list, and hopefully making it a public thing will keep me more motivated to actually complete some of the resolutions. I know there will be the generic items like "Lose weight; eat right; write letters; connect with old friends" but I'm hoping that I'll be able to spice it up a bit and add some things that will be real challenges. That said, what are your resolutions?