I am so excited to start this blog. What began as a desire to simply compile my recipes and tips online has already changed into something bigger than that. Now I feel inspired to share my experiences, tips, funny stories, inspiring thoughts, and more with other mothers. Being a mom is a challenge - a wonderful challenge - but a challenge nonetheless, and sometimes we tend to feel that we are alone in the world with just our children for company. I am a firm believer spending time with other moms and being able to laugh about, cry over, ask about and share whatever is in your heart. Chances are, your friends have been through something similar and can share some advice, and if not it is always a blessing to have someone to talk to who does not interrupt you by asking for more juice. Right?
So, I will post some of my tips for cleaning, organizing, taming tantrums, having successful road trips, crafts, and of course - RECIPES!
My first priority for this blog was to share the recipes that I have come across while combing the internet. But to understand the motivation here, you'll have to meet my kids. Gabriel was born in August of 2006. At about 3 months old, it was very obvious that Gabriel had eczema on his arms, legs, back, tummy, tushy, and his face. Poor baby! At about a year old, he was diagnosed with asthma as well. Gabriel has always been a big guy, and I don't mean 'chunky', I mean 'BIG'! He was 15 pounds at 6 weeks old! I tried to nurse Gabriel for his first year, but he was RAVENOUS! Once, we timed him and he drained a 10 ounce bottle in 52 seconds! I just couldn't keep up with his appetite, and so he was moved to formula. His eating has always been wonderful, he isn't a picky eater at all, and doesn't have any of the dietary restrictions that lead to this blog. That was Graham.
Graham was born 6 weeks premature and has had health complications that went along with that. He was born deaf, but that wasn't evident until he was 3 months old. When he was ready to try the cereals, he had violent reactions. He was projectile vomiting, and then had a seizure and was taken to the ER where he passed out. It was determined after a flexible sigmoidoscopy and a biopsy of his colon that he was allergic to rice, soy, and dairy. Luckily I was successfully nursing him, and so the dietary restrictions were all mine to enjoy. I was not allowed to eat anything containing those ingredients. This really changed the way I thought about food. I became more aware of what was in all the foods I was buying, and started making major changes in our meal plans. Even after he was weaned, Graham is still on a non-dairy diet (to be fair, he is allergic to the milk protein) after trying to introduce dairy into his meals. He would get upset tummies, diarrhea, and general crankiness.
So, our journey has continued and what we thought would be a temporary change in our diets has become a permanent change. We are embracing the non-dairy life - some of us with gusto, and some of us (my DH) with reluctance. I hope that the recipes and tips on my blog are helpful to you, and that you share it with others! Please feel free to send me any questions that you have, and thanks for joining me!
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