Monday, March 7, 2011


I can't believe that it is already March 2011!  Isn't that crazy?!  Graham will be 3 in just a few weeks!  Gabriel is getting registered for KINDERGARTEN.  That's just wrong!  But I'm so proud of my boys - they're turning out to be such great little guys!  There is a quote that I read recently that I just loved by Frederick Douglass:  It is easier to raise strong children than to repair broken men.  That is certainly my number 1 parenting goal:  To raise strong, Christian boys who will eventually become strong, Christian men. 

We've had a rollercoaster of a year so far:  Troy recently received a tentative selection letter from Border Patrol and now we are just waiting to schedule all the tests and interviews!  We are really praying that this comes together for him, it would be an awesome opportunity for him!  He's getting Lasik done in a few weeks, too!  Gabriel's bullying issues have resolved, thankfully!  He's so sweet, he said "Mom, I think he just needs Jesus."  Good job, buddy!  I'm enrolled in 2 classes this semester!  So far, that's a bit hectic with all the other things we have going on, but I'm only 4 classes total away from graduating, so I'm hoping I can just put my head down and grind through it.  So far, I'm enjoying my religion class.  Intro to French?  Not so much.  Just before the Christmas break, Graham was diagnosed with SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) which is an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD - I now know more acronyms than should be legal!).  He is doing great, but it is definitely a day-to-day challenge in life.  I have heard from a lot of people telling me that I'm spoiling him, that I'm letting him have too much control over me, etc.  I feel like I need a sign: My child has SPD, questions are appreciated, parenting advice is NOT!  We've joined up with a few groups here in Tucson and online that are giving me some great support and ideas.  He is 'high functioning' so he can socialize, talk, etc. but he is 'sensory avoiding' so he doesn't like to touch things, hear loud sounds, bright lights, etc. It just gives you a whole new way to look at the world.  I'll share some really cute stories and poems that I have heard, too.  I think Autism Awareness is wonderful and I'm an advocate that even if you don't live with it, you should take some time to just learn a little about it. 

OK, off of my soapbox now!  Gabriel is chasing the dog around the place, and Graham is currently trying to freeze me with his ray-gun.  Boys are awesome!

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