Thursday, May 5, 2011


So, play-doh is really cheap and you can get it almost anywhere in any color.  But where's the fun in that when you could make it yourself?  In search of a science experiment this morning we decided to make our own play dough.  The recipe and pictures follow:

You will need:
2 c. flour
2 c. warm water
1 c. salt
1 T. cream of tartar
2 T. vegetable oil

Combine all ingredients in a pot and stir constantly over low heat.  *Note: this will make your arms tired!* When the dough starts to pull away from the sides and form a clump in the middle of the pan, remove from heat.
Let it cool a bit until it is cool enough to handle.  On a silicon mat (or plastic wrap, wax paper, whatever you prefer) knead for several minutes until smooth and elastic.

Divide dough into however many different pieces you will want - we did 4 pieces so that we could have 4 different colors.

Make a divot in your dough and add a few drops of food coloring.  *Note: be careful!  The concentrated food coloring WILL stain your hands and/or your work surface!  I should take a picture of my hands to prove it!  :) *

After you have smushed your playdough around a bit to start the mix process, hand it off to your tiny helpers and let them smush away. 

If you're not happy with the shade of color you get, repeat the process.  We found that yellow and red needed a bit more color than blue and green.

Enjoy!  We store these in the fridge in plastic bags just to keep them lasting a bit longer. 

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