Thursday, August 4, 2011

Leave it to Beavers...

You know, as a little girl, you have this picture in your mind about what your marriage will be like. Happy, smiling, children; sparkling home; drop-dead-gorgeous husband who adores you constantly. There aren't financial problems, or misunderstandings between you and your husband, and the sun never goes down on anger.

There are things they never tell you about marriage - like, while you want all the clothes in the hamper, your husband may choose to leave them at the foot of the bed on the floor. Or, that you can loose that 'spark' after 6 1/2 years of brushing your teeth next to each other everyday. Sometimes you argue about ridiculous things, like where to keep the remote, or who gets to sit in the "good chair". You see each other at your best - when you're heading out to a date night, or anytime your mother is coming over; and at your worst - cold and flu season anyone? But no one ever really shares the craziness that can arise in a marriage. Let me expound on this. It all centers, for me, around beavers.

You read that right. Beavers. We've all had those dreams where you wake up because you thought you were falling. Or maybe even sometimes there is something that you have to do the next day, and your mind keeps fixating on it while you're sleeping. Mine is a beaver. For some reason, I have this recurring dream that there is a beaver in the house. It doesn't do anything, it just roams our house. I had successfully kept this a secret from my DH for almost 6 years of our marriage - I mean, who wants to admit that they have a recurring dream about a giant rodent? Well, he found out. And not subtly, I might add.

Apparently in the middle of the night, I started shouting and crying, hitting my husband, and trying to crawl out his side of the bed in order to save our kids. When he finally was able to get a coherent thought out of me, he discovered that I believed there was a beaver on the floor next to my side of the bed. "Babe, there's no beaver in our room." was all it took for me to lay down and go back to sleep. Now, I had no idea that any of this had happened, and the next morning I woke up and shuffled into the kitchen to pack DH's lunch as usual. He was calmly fixing a bowl of cereal when he looks at me and says "So... a beaver, huh?" I froze. What? How could he know that I had the beaver dream again? I've never told him about it! I decided to play it cool with the very witty retort "huh?". "Yeah, you freaked out because you thought there was a beaver in our room." Busted. "Hm... that's weird." (surreptitiously not looking directly at him). He enjoyed having a good joke at my expense for a few days, and a great new story to tell his friends. At first, I was humiliated. I don't know why, other than the fact that I was embarrassed about the weird dream, and here my husband is now thinking "great, she's insane". But to be honest, it just cemented for me why I married him. He's my best friend; he loves me whether I've just pulled his favorite cake out of the oven, or I've woken him up at 2 AM to get him to chase a beaver out of our room. He likes the fact that I get worked up over reality TV, and that I don't see the endings coming in movies. I'm so glad that he's in my life, and that we enjoy being around each other as much as we do. Where would be in life without laughter?

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