Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Must Be Doing Something Right

I just had to rush right over and blog this - we're having such an amazing day, and it is such a turnaround from how things have been in the past.  You know, so often as a mother it seems that I spend most of my time with negative statements "No", "Don't", "Stop", "Put that down", etc.  And for quite some time I had assumed that this was what everyone does, or that it was because my sons are just so over-the-top.  I read books about parenting, about boys, about discipline, and I would try and keep our discipline and family structure in such a way that there were clear expectations and consequences for the behaviors we did not allow.  Nothing was really working though.  The kids were becoming more hostile and frustrated, and so was I.  I won't lie - it was looking pretty grim.  I kept thinking to myself "What on earth? How did I get this much anger and aggression in my family?  What's going on?" 

I started praying more consistently for my children, for their attitudes, and for my patience.  And then I realized that I hadn't been praying for myself.  Aren't I the only one who can change my attitude?  I asked the Lord to give me a heart for my sons, to make my words and heart tender toward them, to give me discernment regarding discipline, and to help me with my priorities - more specifically to make THEM a priority.  It was a slow change, because I found it hard to genuinely want to change myself, and not just give lip service to it.  But once I honestly started praying those things and meaning it, the changes were almost instant.  Today, we were doing out shopping, and because I'm a new couponer it takes me some time to get through the store.  Usually this is a recipe for disaster - the boys quickly lose patience, as do I.  Not this time!  I heard these adorable voices coming from the car at the front of my shopping cart "You are my brother, and we'll be friends forever, right?" "Right. I love you brother." "I love you too."  Then later this afternoon, DS1 says "Mom, the next time we go to the store, I want to buy you a treat, because you do lots of nice things for us, and we love you." 

These are things that melt a mother's heart.  These are the reasons we can patiently handle tantrums, changing diapers, being up all night, the back-and-forth drives to school and lessons, and answering "why?" for the millionth time.  Because our kids love us, unconditionally, all the time.  Because even when we don't think they're listening, they are, and we're shaping the people they will grow up to be.  I am so proud to be my sons' mother - maybe at times I might wish that the behavior was a little better, but I know that they are generous, tender-hearted, silly little boys and I am so excited to see who they will grow up to be!

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